
This was a particular project. Abhirup Roy, a very able tabla player from Kolkata in India, contacted me in spring 2017 asking me if I’m interested to make a project with him. I found it a very great idea and so we started the adventure.

In company with Marco Stagni, Andrea PolatoMax Castlunger and Marco dalle Luche we created a special mix of european and indian sound. The name of the project reflects this synergy. „Kolzano“ is a combination of „Kolkata“ and „Bolzano“.

Videos of the live presentation of the EP Black Sea
Interview Kolzano @ Radio Freier Fall (german/english)

Kolzano @ Radio Freier Fall vom 28-11-2019 by mannypardeller

Interview with Abhirup Roy and me about the project "Kolzano" in the radio show "Radio Freier Fall" by Reinhold Giovanett and Roland Leitner in Rai Südtirol.

All News about Kolzano